our info:

Fresno, California

(559) 554-1628

it's time to be fully expressed & embodied.

At Spiral & Bloom Embodiment Sanctuary, our mission is to provide a safe and compassionate space where women can freely explore their multiple identities, express their deepest selves, and be lovingly received without judgment. Our aim is to nurture and support women as they connect with their inner beauty and embodiment so they can love themselves for who they truly are.

Through our holistic and somatic approach, we guide women on a path of discovering their wholeness and empowering them to authentically express themselves. We warmly welcome and honor all of their identities, celebrating the richness and diversity that each woman brings to our sanctuary.

(for who you are deep down within)

Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (MFC 121155), Certified GYROTONIC® Trainer

Welcome to my world of holistic healing and psychotherapy. I am Joanne Lai, a licensed mental health therapist with a specialization in working with women on various aspects of their personal journeys. Together, we can address stress-related struggles, burnout, childhood trauma, cultural issues, and relationship challenges, providing you with the support you need to navigate these complex areas of your life.

My expertise lies in somatic approaches, which means that I deeply integrate the mind-body connection in our therapeutic work. I firmly believe that healing is a holistic process, acknowledging that we are composed of multiple parts, identities, and selves.

To truly experience wholeness, it is essential to invite and embrace every aspect of ourselves, bringing them into present awareness. Through embodiment practices and psychotherapeutic tools, I guide you on a profound journey of deep exploration and expansion into all the layers of your being.

I'm Joanne Lai

lovely to meet you!

I had to relearn how to be with myself beyond the intellectual realm that I had gotten stuck in. I discovered the power of somatic intelligence and realized that I needed to delve into my body to find the answers I sought.

In my journey through life, I came to a realization: It was easy to navigate relationships and make choices that seemed right on the surface, but deep down, I felt disconnected. I couldn't truly feel what I wanted or needed. I was living a life that looked good on paper, but I wasn't truly connected to my own desires.

External expectations weighed heavily on me. The pressure to succeed and meet societal standards (especially as an immigrant with heaps of unintegrated baggage) led me down a path that met everyone's expectations but my own. I found myself in a marriage that wasn't going well, prioritizing paths that didn't align with my true self, and suffocating in an identity I wore like a costume. It became clear that I needed to break free from these expectations and listen to something other than my head.

Sure enough, the universe had some plans for this over-thinker: a literal concussion that rocked my world. It was during this pivotal moment that I was (not so gently) guided to get out of my own head and reconnect with my body. 

how I got out of my own head and out of my own way.

Through working with various practitioners and giving myself the space to explore without judgment, I began to understand myself on a deeper level. Somatic-oriented therapies became an anchor for me, allowing me to bridge the gap between my mind and body. It was in this integration that I found my own voice, my own thoughts, and a sense of healing that went beyond words. I knew this was that path I wanted to follow for my career – and so I did.

Today, I find myself in a place of profound transformation. I no longer push through life, but instead have a toolkit of holistic tools and techniques to support myself and my clients.

In relationships, I now experience deeper connection. I am able to truly feel my own emotions and needs, no longer losing myself in the needs of others. I exist as an individual within the relationship, with a renewed sense of self. I am present with myself. This is the gift I co-create with my clients. They find themselves and live as embodied and empowered women.

It is through my own personal journey of healing and discovery that I am inspired to guide others. I invite you to join me on a transformative path where we embrace embodiment, connect mind and body, and unlock the wisdom that lies within. Together, we can explore the depths of your being, liberate your authentic self, and create a life filled with profound connection, self-compassion, and healing.

Lots of love,

thrilled to support you as you blossom.

Joanne Lai